The average cost of tree stump removal is $298 according to HomeAdvisor. Tree stump removal costs range from $162-$473.
When you’re a homeowner that cares for your yard, most likely you’ve thought about tree trimming and tree pruning before. Both are great services throughout the landscaping industry. The differences are minute, though. Pruning is used for the removal inessential branches. Trimming, however, encourages healthy growth. Both services are performed at different times of the year, using extremely different types of equipment, to offer a healthier and better aesthetic landscape. Understanding their differences, though, is vital.
Tree Trimming
Tree trimming encourages trees, shrubs, and hedges to grow in a healthy way. Frequently, commercial client’s trim trees making their property more appealing to potential clients. An improved appearance usually means more visitors.Is Trimming Healthy for Trees?
Whereas trimming is nourishing when done properly, the removal of too much plant material can be detrimental your trees and/or shrubs. When you remove more than twenty percent of the foliage in one trimming period, it’s been said that you risk injuring your plants. Nevertheless, in most situations, the plant is going to be fine following it recovering. Arborists generally concentrate on removing greener shoots, which helps promote overall healthier growth. Along with growth, trimming also enhances the appearance of the tree itself.Tree Pruning
Pruning is not only limited to the maintenance of trees. The term is usually related to the removal of inessential branches and from time to time possibly roots. These branches and roots could be dead and need to be removed from the tree. Sometimes, branches grow the wrong way. They grow near electrical utility wires or structures. Pruning helps keep unnecessary growth under control.Is Pruning Healthy for Trees?
Routine pruning is required for the overall health and appearance of your tree(s). Pruning encourages new growth. It also improves air circulation and sunlight penetration, resulting in healthier plants that are more resistant to insects and disease. Without pruning, trees can appear unattractive with dead or unhealthy branches, resulting in even more severe issues like pest infestation and rot.Tree Trimming and Tree Pruning Equipment Used
Regarding pruning, shears are usually the tool of choice– lopping-shears or hand-shears. These shears are normally strong enough for cutting through thinner branches. For thicker branches, a saw might be needed. For trimming, trimming shears, and saws are used to provide effective results and overall healthier growth.Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.More Articles About Arizona Trees
- Should I Skin My Palm Trees?
- Arizona Shade Trees That Don't Shed
- Is My Palm Tree Dead?
- Best Time Of Year To Trim Trees In Arizona
- Can You Grow Lemon Trees In Arizona?
- How To Save A Dying Cactus
- How To Bring A Dead Palm Tree Back To Life
- Cost Of Tree Removal 2020
- How Much Does Cactus Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Stump Grinding & Removal Cost?
- How To Trim A Tree
- How To Choose a Tree Service
- How To Show Your Trees You Love Them
- Fast Growing Trees of Arizona
- When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona
- Preparing Arizona Trees For Monsoon Storms
- Arizona Ash Trees
- Mesquite Trees In Arizona

What Are Palm Fronds?
Essentially, palm fronds are the leaves of the tree. These fronds will stay green year-round, unlike the leaves of deciduous trees that drop off in the fall. Palm fronds perform photosynthesis, providing necessary nutrients for the tree's survival. Fronds will come in many different shapes and sizes, living up to five years, on average.How To Care For Palm Fronds
Palm fronds do not generally require any sort of specialized care. Fronds will age naturally, growing brown over time. Refrain from cutting the frond off until it is completely brown. Call a professional tree service if you believe the fronds to be diseased. Professionals can best assess when the time is right for removal. Do not remove any fronds prior to hurricane season, though, as the tree can sustain more damage when fronds are removed before any inclement weather.How To Dispose Of Palm Fronds
Fallen fronds can be several feet long, which do not decompose easily. It's recommended to run the fallen fronds through a wood chipper prior to letting them decompose entirely. Even with the help of a chipper, this process will take a long time to complete. Contact a professional service if you need any help disposing of the fronds.Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.

These are a diverse group of plants that can survive and thrive the extreme Arizona summers. There are nearly 200 Dalea species, which includes both trees and shrubs. The pea-shaped flowers can come in three different colors, including yellow, purple and rose.Sugar Bush Rhus Ovata
Growing to an average of 3-4-feet tall, the Rhus Ovata features green leaves with a hint of red around the edges. During the fall seasons, the leaves will turn a beautiful shade of red/orange. At this time, the plant will also produce small yellow flowers.Little Leaf Cordia Cordia Parvifolia
This small and shrubby tree can grow as high as 6-feet tall. It features a broad, rounded canopy that will bloom white flowers during the spring. The bark is typically brown colored, with small and pointed leaves.Feathery Cassia Cassia Nemophila
This is an evergreen shrub that grows rather quickly. This plant loves when direct sunlight touches its needle-like leaves. This shrub can also flower, growing round yellow clusters near the ends of the branches.Eremophila
Straight from the semi-arid to arid regions of Australia, this is considered a group of evergreen plants. The emu bushes grow in several different soil types, with the ability to survive for long periods of time without water.Chihuahuan Sage Leucophyllum Laevigatum
This low-maintenance plant can thrive in the extreme Arizona climate. This features small leaves, producing lots of purple flowers over time. These shrubs can grow as high as 4 feet and as wide as 5 feet.Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.
With more than 65 known species in the state, it's safe to say Ash Trees thrive in the Arizona climate. However, there are a few problems and diseases that can harm these trees.
Types Of Arizona Ash Trees
The following is a list of some of the most common varieties of ash trees found in Arizona:- Chichuahua ash – Fraxinus papillosa
- Goodding ash – Fraxinus gooddingii
- Fragrant ash – Fraxinus cuspidate
- Singleleaf ash – Fraxinus anomala
- Littleleaf ash – Fraxinus greggii
- Arizona ash – Fraxinus vulutina (also referred to as ‘modesto ash’ and ‘velvet ash’.
- Shamel ash – Fraxinus uhdei (also referred to as ‘tropical ash’)
- Fantex ash - Fraxinus velutina (also referred to as ‘Rio Grande ash’)
- Green ash – Fraxinus pennsylvanica (also referred to as ‘water ash’ or ‘swamp ash’)
- Raywood ash – Fraxinus oxycarpa
Ash Tree Characteristics
The Arizona ash tree sheds leaves after the growing season is over, making them deciduous. Of course, many tree varieties are considered to be a messy tree, but the positive side is that the majority of ash trees only shed leaves for a couple weeks. Additionally, the majority of ash tree varieties will produce seedlings one time per year (in large amounts), or throughout the year. This all depends on the gender of the tree, and which species it is. When it comes to having an ash tree, and you want your landscape looking clean you will need to rake on occasion. Most ash trees grow very quickly, which is great for adding shade. However, this also has its downsides. The quicker trees grow, the more likely they are to have surface roots. Ash tree roots commonly grow near the surface anyway, but are more tolerant against rocky soil and alkaline. Watson and Gilman described green ash trees in a Fact Sheet, reporting the surface roots may “lift sidewalks, curbs, and be a nuisance when mowing”. Meanwhile, Finch quickly indicated the quick growth creates another downside, common with ash trees, “Unless they are pruned regularly, they can quickly grow into a tangled mess causing branch dieback.” You should prepare to have ash trees trimmed every few years, which promotes healthy canopy and branch structure growth. If ash trees are not trimmed, it can lead to branches being weak and breaking when multiple trunks gather too close. This creates a hazard from structural failure. The best approach is to establish a single ‘central trunk’ during the tree’s youth. Depending on the variety of ash tree, they can range from 40ft to 50ft when mature, with some reaching over 80ft high. All ash trees will provide a round, full canopy with great shade.Ash Tree Diseases
Similar to other plants, Arizona ash trees are also vulnerable to different types of disease and pests. These include different fungal infections, mildews, rust disease, leaf scorch, and many types of pests from carpenter worms and webworms to mites and borers. The Verticillium wilt is especially harmful as it is soil-borne fungus. There are regions around the country, especially in the Midwest, where thousands of ash trees have been killed off by emerald ash borer’s. However, Arizona ash trees have been lucky enough to evade this issue, so far. You can learn more regarding the emerald ash borer at Emerald Ash Borer. When trees have poor environmental conditions, it increases their vulnerability to these type of issues, making it important to maintain the tree’s defense with proper fertilizing and watering.Ash Tree Maintenance
If well maintained, ash trees are beautiful and lush. However, when ash trees are not properly cared for they can become a nasty sight, and increases the risk of tree disease and pests. Although there are ash tree varieties which are rather resistant to drought, the majority of them will require regular watering. The best setting would be flood irrigation systems. Therefore, if your landscape is not irrigated, you should use a garden hose to mimic this, and do a deep watering one or twice monthly. If you are located within Arizona and you desire to have a healthy and great looking ash tree in your yard, you should prepare yourself for the increased water bill each month. You’ll also want to remember to regularly fertilize the ash tree(s), placing mulch down will also help. By applying mulch, you will increase the quality of the soil, as the organic matter will break down over time. However, mulch also assists with retaining the moisture, meaning watering less often. Although Arizona ash trees are not the simplest tree varieties to care for, they can be well worth the extra work. When properly taken care of, ash trees will provide amazing shade, and enhance the overall landscape.Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.

- Palm Tree Trimming Costs
- Small Palm Tree Trimming Cost
- Medium Palm Tree Trimming Cost
- Large Palm Tree Trimming Cost
- Free Palm Tree Trimming Cost Quote
Average Palm Tree Trimming Cost
On average palm tree trimming costs about $637.50 with average prices ranging from $75 to $1,200 in the US for 2022. The health, shape, and size of the palm tree all have an impact on how much they cost to trim. Trees that are well managed and trimmed on a regular basis will cost less than a palm tree that never gets trimmed.Small Palm Tree Trimming Cost
Small palm trees that are 30' or shorter cost $75 to $400.Medium Palm Tree Trimming Cost
Palm trees that are between 31' to 59' cost $130 to $800Large Palm Tree Trimming Cost
Large palm trees that are 60' or larger cost $200 to $1,200How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?
The average cost of palm tree removal is $825 with average prices ranging from $150 to $1,500 in the US for 2022 according to HomeAdvisor.
Receive A Free Palm Tree Trimming Cost Quote
If you would like to receive a free palm tree trimming cost quote anywhere in the Phoenix Valley, Liberty Tree Experts can help! We offer affordable palm tree trimming services in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, Glendale an more. Remove those sick or dead palm trees from your residential yard or commercial property.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Arizona's climate is ideal for growing a variety of fruit trees for the entire year. This post will cover a variety of topics related to fruit trees, including varieties, trees, climate factors and pollination.
Fruit Tree Varieties
It is certainly possible for one type of fruit to grow well in the desert climate while another fruit may never develop properly. It is undeniably beneficial to do research beforehand to know which fruit type will thrive in the valley of the sun. Producing the fruit can be pretty easy if simple Botanics are applied to the specific variety.Selecting Fruit Trees
The best fruit trees are the ones that have a low chill requirement and great pollination, especially in southern Arizona. Deciduous fruit trees, for instance, will lose their leaves come winter. Examples of these will include:- Apples
- Apricots
- Peaches
- Pecans
- Plums
Climate Factors
Of course, a fruit tree could fail to grow if the prevailing environmental conditions are not favorable. It is very tough to correct any mistakes once the tree has been planted. Selecting the right tree, with conditions factored in, is vital.Pollination
If you want to produce fruit, pollen from the male parts of a flower must be transferred to the female portion. This makes fertilization a reality. Some fruit trees are self-fruitful, which means only a single tree needs to be planted in order to produce fruit. Some fruit trees, though, will require the presence of a second supporting tree. This allows for cross-pollination to occur.Fruits That Thrive In Arizona
Here are a few fruit trees that grow very well in southern Arizona:- Santa Rosa Plum
- Satsuma Japanese Plum
- Gold Kist Apricot
- Katy Apricot
- Dorsett Golden Apple
- Ana Golden Apple
- Orient Pear
- Leconte Pear
- Flordahome Pear
- Castlebrite Apricot
- Flordaprince Peach
Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.More Articles About Arizona Trees
- Should I Skin My Palm Trees?
- Arizona Shade Trees That Don't Shed
- Is My Palm Tree Dead?
- Best Time Of Year To Trim Trees In Arizona
- Can You Grow Lemon Trees In Arizona?
- How To Save A Dying Cactus
- How To Bring A Dead Palm Tree Back To Life
- Cost Of Tree Removal 2020
- How Much Does Cactus Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Stump Grinding & Removal Cost?
- How To Trim A Tree
- How To Choose a Tree Service
- How To Show Your Trees You Love Them
- Fast Growing Trees of Arizona
- When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona
- Preparing Arizona Trees For Monsoon Storms
- Arizona Ash Trees
- Mesquite Trees In Arizona
Tree pruning is defined as a horticultural practice comprising of the selective removal of various parts of tree. These parts can include branches, buds or roots.
Why Prune Your Trees?
Since each cut can alter the overall growth of the tree, no branch should be removed without reason. Typical reasons for pruning are the removal of dead branches, enhancing form or simply reducing the risk of falling branches. It is possible to prune trees to let in more sunlight and air penetration to the tree's crown. In some cases, mature trees are pruned as preventive steps.When To Prune Your Trees
Most regular pruning practices can be performed during any time of the year without much impact on the tree itself. Generally, wound closure and growth can be increased if pruning is done before the spring growth flush. Trees diseases, such as oak wilt, may develop when pruning wounds provide access to pathogens. Refrain from pruning any vulnerable trees.Pruning Your Trees
Proper pruning is crucial towards developing a healthy tree with a robust structure. Trees receiving proper pruning measures while they are young will require less corrective pruning as they age. It is a must to create a sturdy structure of primary branches in younger years. Properly trained young trees should develop a strong structure with less corrective pruning needs as time goes on. For a lot of young trees, it's suggested to keep a single dominant leader constantly growing upwards.Pruning Palms
Most pruning is performed on palm trees to remove dead or dying fronds, flowers or fruiting clusters. On average, pruning is typically done about twice per year on a palm. Coconuts, for instance, can be pruned every 3-4 months. This minimizes the dangers of falling coconuts. Green fronds growing on palm trees should remain untouched. Pruning palms too often can result in attracting more pests and a slower growth rate.Pruning Techniques
Different types of pruning may be necessary to manage certain trees. There are four pruning techniques listed below:- Cleaning: This involves removing dead or dying branches from the crown of the tree.
- Thinning: This is a selective branch removal used to improve the tree's strength and light/air intake.
- Raising: Raising is removing lower branches from a tree, allowing clearance for people, vehicles, etc.
- Reduction: This is done to reduce the overall size of the tree. Reduction can be done by pruning back the tree leaders and branch ends.
Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.More Articles About Arizona Trees
- Should I Skin My Palm Trees?
- Arizona Shade Trees That Don't Shed
- Is My Palm Tree Dead?
- Best Time Of Year To Trim Trees In Arizona
- Can You Grow Lemon Trees In Arizona?
- How To Save A Dying Cactus
- How To Bring A Dead Palm Tree Back To Life
- Cost Of Tree Removal 2020
- How Much Does Cactus Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Stump Grinding & Removal Cost?
- How To Trim A Tree
- How To Choose a Tree Service
- How To Show Your Trees You Love Them
- Fast Growing Trees of Arizona
- When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona
- Preparing Arizona Trees For Monsoon Storms
- Arizona Ash Trees
- Mesquite Trees In Arizona
Classified as moderately fast growing, trees of the Ash species can grow between 18-25 feet in a decade. What can you do to ensure your Ash tree grows at this rate in Arizona?
Average Ash Tree Growth Rate
While most species will grow anywhere from 18-25 feet in a decade, as mentioned above, other species like European ash will grow at a slower rate. Typically, European ash trees will grow to a maximum height of 18 inches after a decade. Most Ash species will grow approximately 2 feet per year for the first part of their life when planted as ornamentals. These trees may grow slower when planted in a row with other trees. These fast-growing trees are usually grown for timber and firewood due to their dense wood and short maturity time. Ash trees also make great ornamental specimens in sunny areas, featuring moist and well-drained soil. The growing speed of each tree will heavily depend on species and surrounding conditions.Natural Germination Time
Members of the Ash genus will produce winged seed pods referred to as keys. These pods will typically ripen in early to mid fall. The seeds will not become viable until after they have been soaked and exposed to cool/cold temperatures. Most ash seeds will take at least 18 months to germinate if kept wet, in most cases. The pods will remain viable for up to 6 years as long as conditions remain favorable.Seed Stratification
There is one trick to speeding up the ash seed growth: stratify the seeds in the refrigerator. This process will involve placing seeds in moist paper towels or sand, then leaving them in temperatures around 40 degrees Fahrenheit for 60-90 days. After stratification is complete, the seeds need to be placed in a spot where daytime temperatures hover around 85 degrees, and nighttime temperatures are closer to 70 degrees. It is best to plant the seeds in the spring, if you live in southern Arizona. Seeds typically germinate within two months of stratification.Time To Maturity
You must understand that not all Ash trees will reach maturity at the same time. Several factors, including sunlight and soil quality, can speed or slow growth time. On average, Ash trees can grow between 40-60 feet at maturity. Some species have been measured as tall as 80 feet at maturity. Growth to full maturity can take 16-60 years.Growth Rate Vs Lifespan
These trees are commonly chosen by homeowners and new construction projects due to their growth speed. A high growth rate, though, can create more weak spots in the wood and can limit the tree's lifespan. Ash trees can also lose limbs easily due to high winds.Liberty Tree Care Offers Tree Services in Scottsdale, Mesa & Tempe
If you are searching for tree service in Scottsdale, Mesa or Tempe, Liberty Tree Experts can help! Get a free tree service quote by giving Liberty a call today at 480-482-9374.More Articles About Arizona Trees
- Should I Skin My Palm Trees?
- Arizona Shade Trees That Don't Shed
- Is My Palm Tree Dead?
- Best Time Of Year To Trim Trees In Arizona
- Can You Grow Lemon Trees In Arizona?
- How To Save A Dying Cactus
- How To Bring A Dead Palm Tree Back To Life
- Cost Of Tree Removal 2020
- How Much Does Cactus Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Trimming Cost?
- How Much Does Palm Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?
- How Much Does Tree Stump Grinding & Removal Cost?
- How To Trim A Tree
- How To Choose a Tree Service
- How To Show Your Trees You Love Them
- Fast Growing Trees of Arizona
- When & How to Trim Citrus Trees in Arizona
- Preparing Arizona Trees For Monsoon Storms
- Arizona Ash Trees
- Mesquite Trees In Arizona